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L’episodio 5 di Fermata Nanterre racconta la storia di Mabrouka Lahbairi. Mabrouka è l’ultima inquilina ad aver lasciato la sua cité de transit, la Cité des Potagers (degli orti) a Nanterre, costruita tra un ramo dell’autostrada che porta a Parigi e un magazzino. Questo grand ensemble doveva costituire una soluzione temporanea di due, tre anni in attesa di una sistemazione in un alloggio popolare, ma è stato demolito con quarant’anni di ritardo. Il rapido processo di gentrificazione che subisce oggi la città di Nanterre sta cancellando le ultime tracce dell’epoca che i suoi abitanti vi hanno raccontato. La demolizione si trasforma allora nell’occasione giusta per far conoscere la storia della cité des Potagers e riflettere sul ruolo della memoria.

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December 3, 2021
Il primo episodio di Fermata Nanterre racconta la storia di Brahim Benaicha e del suo arrivo in Francia nel 1955. Originario di Guemar, una cittadina nella...
December 3, 2021
Il secondo episodio di Fermata Nanterre racconta la storia di Ahmed Djamai, nato e cresciuto nelle bidonvilles che per anni hanno circondato la capitale francese. Suo...
December 3, 2021
Il terzo episodio di Fermata Nanterre continua con la storia di Ahmed Djamai, a cui viene promesso un tetto come alternativa alla baracca dove ha vissuto...
December 3, 2021
Il quarto episodio di Fermata Nanterre racconta la storia di Wahid e Mohamed, due abitanti della Cité Picasso. A pochi passi dal quartiere finanziario della Défense,...
December 3, 2021
Il sesto episodio di Fermata Nanterre racconta la storia di Yasmine Djamai. Yasmine, 19 anni, è una studentessa e fa parte di quelle che chiamiamo terze...

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Thirty-eight places worse than in 2021 and last in the ranking of EU countries, press freedom in Greece is undoubtedly in free fall. According to the annual report of Reporters Sans Frontières (RSF), in a total of 180 countries, the country referred to internationally as the matrix of democracy has plummeted in just one year from 70th to 108th place in 2022. In the following six episodes, Greek journalists Konstantinos Poulis and Jenny Tsiropoulou will take us inside newsrooms to see the working conditions in the media, investigate the unsolved murder of a journalist at the door of his house, talk to journalists-victims of SLAPPS and journalists-victims of phone tapping, and they will talk to us about a completely opaque process of public funding to find out what the 108th place means in practice and to ask who benefits from journalism that is feared and silenced. We would like you to know that the present government has systematically failed to respond to requests from journalists from unfriendly media. In such cases, we report on it in our editorials. #108 is a co-production between the Greek independent media The Press Project and the podcast production agency Bulle Media. The podcast series is part of the Europod podcast network and was produced under the Sphera project. The original language of this podcast is Greek. There is also available an English version. The producer of 108 is Antoine Lheureux. Executive producers are Konstantinos Poulis and Alexander Damiano Ricci. Scriptwriting is by Jenny Tsiropoulou. Interviews by Jenny Tsiropoulou and Konstantinos Poulis. Editorial work by María Dios and Alexander Damiano Ricci. Sound design by Thomas Kusberg. Editing and mixing by Thomas Kusberg and Jeremy Bocquet.
Artificial intelligence is all around us. It has technological applications that save lives, but it can also affect them in ways we all too often ignore. It has created jobs that did not exist, but it also raises fears for the future of employment. Today, artificial intelligence can be used to make anything: a start-up, a cyberwar and even a work of art. This podcast is all about the A.I. revolution, amidst market bubbles, problems that the European Union is trying to correct, potential and dystopian scenarios, because algorithms replicate the distortions of the society that conceived them.

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