Yerevan, 11th October 2023
This summer, we began following Naré and Nanar, two sisters from Stepanakert in Nagorno-Karabakh. One was living in Armenia at the time, the other in their native region. In December 2022, Azerbaijan’s blockade of Karabakh separated this family and thousands of others for 9 months. While Nanar suffered hunger and war, Naré tried to mobilise the Armenian government and the international community to try and save them.
However in September 2023, just as we were doing the final edits of this documentary, Azerbaijan launched an offensive to reclaim the territory. The invasion of Nagorno-Karabakh by Azerbaijani troops made Nanar and the more than 100,000 inhabitants of the enclave, refugees of an ethnic cleansing. We are inviting you to listen to the testimonies of these two sisters in our documentary.
Astrig |
Astrig is a journalist for ereb. At the beginning of the year, when we were considering ways of covering the situation in Nagorno-Karabakh, Astrig put forward the idea of focusing on a family separated by the blockade. The documentary which followed – made with the help of Marta Miskaryan’s translations and put together by our editor François – is the first in our new series, ‘Off the Trail’, and was produced in partnership with the independent European media network, Sphera Network. Don’t hesitate to give us your feedback on this new format and subscribe to our chaîne YouTube for future episodes.
This story was originally published in our In Vivo newsletter. To receive other similar stories with cultural recommendations every fortnight, subscribe to our free newsletter. |
Erervan, le 11 octobre 2023
Cet été, nous avons commencé à suivre Naré et Nanar, deux sœurs originaires de Stepanakert dans le Haut-Karabakh. L’une vivait alors en Arménie, l’autre dans leur région natale. En décembre 2022, le blocus du Karabakh par l’Azerbaïdjan sépare cette famille et des milliers d’autres pendant neuf mois. Alors que Nanar subit la faim et la guerre, Naré essaie de mobiliser le gouvernement arménien et la communauté internationale pour tenter de les sauver.
Mais en septembre 2023, alors que nous finalisions le montage de ce documentaire, l’Azerbaïdjan lance une offensive pour récupérer ce territoire. L’exode des Arménien·ne·s du Haut-Karabakh fait de Nanar et des plus de 100 000 habitant·e·s de l’enclave des réfugiés d’un nettoyage ethnique. Ce sont les témoignages de ces deux sœurs que nous te proposons de découvrir aujourd’hui, en vidéo.
Ce témoignage a d’abord été publié dans notre newsletter In Vivo. Pour recevoir d’autres histoires similaires assorties de recommandations culturelles toutes les deux semaines, abonnez-vous gratuitement à notre newsletter.
Yerevan, 11 ottobre 2023
Quest’estate abbiamo iniziato a seguire Naré e Nanar, due sorelle di Stepanakert, nel Nagorno-Karabakh. All’epoca una viveva in Armenia, l’altra nella sua regione natale. Nel dicembre 2022, il blocco del Karabakh da parte dell’Azerbaigian ha separato questa e migliaia di altre famiglie per nove mesi. Mentre Nanar soffriva per la fame e la guerra, Naré ha cercato di mobilitare il governo armeno e la comunità internazionale per cercare di salvarlɜ.
Ma nel settembre 2023, proprio mentre stavamo ultimando il montaggio di questo documentario, l’Azerbaigian ha lanciato un’offensiva per rivendicare questo territorio. L’esodo dellɜ armenɜ dal Nagorno-Karabakh ha reso Nanar e lɜ oltre 100.000 abitantɜ dell’enclave deɜ rifugiatɜ vittime di una pulizia etnica. È la testimonianza di questa coppia di sorelle, ciò che oggi ti invitiamo a guardare in video.
Questa testimonianza è stata pubblicata in origine sulla nostra newsletter In Vivo. Per ricevere ogni quindici giorni altre storie simili con consigli culturali, iscriviti alla nostra newsletter gratuita.
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