Athens: can city authorities save it from overtourism?

Athens, like many of Europe’s capital cities, is crowded with tourists, much more than what the city can comfortably handle. Athens welcomed more than 7 million tourists in 2023, and experts predict a 20% increase in 2024. Locals are not happy: short-term rentals are pushing them out of their own city, and changing the city’s […]

Budapest rising: Hungarian left-wing resistance over repression

The trial of Italian teacher and activist Ilaria Salis, who was accused of attacking alleged neo-Nazis in Hungary, caused widespread worry across Europe. The case, which involved other international antifa militants, has been cited as a clear example of institutional repression against the antifascist movement in Hungary. While the government’s ties with the extreme right […]

The legal struggle of asylum seekers in Italy

Instrumentalised by conservative governments across Europe, migrants coming to the continent are faced with a myriad of challenges from the moment they arrive. A Buon Diritto Onlus is an association that provides much-needed legal advice to refugees and immigrants who seek asylum in Italy. ‪ @Popagandagr‬ travelled to Rome to get an inside look at […]

Will Poland say “My body, my choice”?

While France has become the first country globally to enshrine the right to abortion in its Constitution, Poland still has one of the most restrictive laws in Europe. However, numerous women terminate pregnancies at home with the assistance of pills that are mailed from abroad. The traditionally Catholic nation’s parliament recently held a long-awaited debate […]

“The winds of change are blowing”. Living as a lesbian couple in Poland

LGTBI community in Poland have a very long way to fight for their rights. According to the NGO “Rainbow Europe”, Poland is the worst country in Europe for LGTBI people. Both marriage and adoption are prohibited for the LGTBI community, but now there is a new government that has promised to make progress. ‪@elsaltotv‬ tells […]

Hungarian government cracks down on the queer community, but it fights back

What is life like for the queer community under an authoritarian regime? How do they fight for their rights and what role does the EU play? ‪@Popagandagr‬ followed four queer people in Budapest to find out: András Hodász, an ex-priest now a queer activist, Máté Hegedűs, a spokesperson at Budapest Pride, David Bedő, a MP […]

Inside Hungary’s Last Independent Radio Station

Klubradio is the last independent radio station in Hungary. After having its license revoked by the authorities, it continues to operate online, despite continuous pressure and lawsuits from the Orbàn government. Our partner ‪@vdnews_ita‬ went to Budapest to meet the journalists behind the station.

Disputing narratives: Romani journalists resisting in Hungary

The Roma people have historically been persecuted throughout the world. In Hungary, despite being the largest minority, they have been subject to segregation and criminalization, with the backdrop of the rising far-right and the normalisation of hate speech. But the Roma, increasingly organized, are resisting this history of stigmatization. ‪@elsaltotv‬ went to Budapest to tell […]

The Polish artist who uses embroidery as a form of protest

After the recent elections, Poland is experiencing a stalemate in terms of the recognition of rights. Monika Drozynska is part of a generation of artists trying to use entertainment as a means of making art in a political way. Drozynska embroiders train headrests with political slogans in various languages, including Braille. For her, fun is […]

Trans people in Greece: a question of survival

In February 2024, Greece approved same-sex marriage, a measure that gives these couples the same rights as heterosexual couples. The text contains sparse mentions of the rights of trans people, who have since 2017 had the right to have their gender identity recognized. However, no other steps have been taken to recognize their rights, while […]