Empower independent media and cultural organizations creating a new narrative for the generations to come

What is Sphera Network

Sphera is the first network of independent media in Europe to reinvent the media space and paint a new picture of the continent through impactful, unbiased, raw and authentic stories.

With cross-border journalism at its core, Sphera brings news in an innovative way, where national media outlets collaborate. Together we produce new European stories, closer to the people, closer to the youth.

Become part of the new voice of Europe, the voice of the unheard!

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April 16, 2024
Ovileya Myrah is an activist and translator. She left her country of origin, Bangladesh, after...
April 12, 2024
Though higher education, according to the Polish Constitution, is free, many students in the country...
April 3, 2024
People who leave their country to flee political persecution, poverty, or in search of new...


Every month, we’re going to surprise you with six different stories and different perspectives. Get unique insights into an alternative Europe on topics you will not learn about anywhere else

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444 x Sphera at Turbina

March 4, 2024
Hungary has the highest prevalence of problems related...
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